Kaut kad biju padzirdējis par tirgošanos ar WOW profiliem, bet nu tas, ka man pēkšņi Skype, kāds prasa, vai es pārdodu savu WOW profilu, man bija pārsteigums. Izrādās, ka kādā WOW forumā ar lietotājs ar vārdu "ArtursL" pārdeva kaut kādu profilu. Pēc tam "BOBAH" no Liepājas kaut kā uzgāja mani Skype, meklēdams to, kurš pārdod. 200$/mēnesī ir vairāk nekā Simtlatniekiem par latvāņu pļaušanu, kāpēc mocīties par smieklu naudu, ja par tādu pašu naudu tu vari spēlēt datorspēles un pārdot profilus?
[16:32:29] BOBAH: heya
[16:32:36] BOBAH: tu pardo http://www.mmowned.com/forums/mmowned-trading-market/world-of-warcraft-buy-sell-trade/303666-eu-mealstrom-dwarf-dk-80-draenei-hunter-55-time-till-mid-november.html ?
[17:34:13] BOBAH: u there?
[18:13:10] stan-1: wow ACC
[18:13:10] ***[ES]:
***[ES] has shared contact details with BOBAH.
[18:13:29] ***[ES] : you
[18:13:32] ***[ES] : whats up?
[18:14:01] BOBAH: are you still selling your wow acc? with dk?
[18:14:13] ***[ES] : yeah
[18:14:35] BOBAH: what price?:P
[18:14:59] ***[ES] : how much can you afford to pay?
[18:15:08] BOBAH: im from latvia s well
[18:15:16] ***[ES] : yeah i know
[18:16:04] ***[ES] : Whats your rep?
[18:16:19] BOBAH: where?:P i dont really have rep anywhere
[18:16:21] BOBAH: what city are you from?
[18:16:37] ***[ES] : Bauska
[18:16:44] BOBAH: liepaja here
[18:17:19] BOBAH: are you sure u dont need that accaunt anymore?
[18:17:20] BOBAH: and ur not goign to recall it?
[18:17:40] ***[ES] : lol I dont even play wow
[18:17:49] ***[ES] : it must be some kind of misunderstanding
[18:18:01] ***[ES] : Some other Arturs L
[18:18:16] ***[ES] : good luck finding the real one
[18:18:21] BOBAH: wait
[18:18:36] BOBAH: [18:16:09] ***[ES] : how much can you afford to pay?
[18:18:43] BOBAH: [18:15:11] BOBAH: are you still selling your wow acc? with dk?
[18:15:23] ***[ES] : yeah
[18:18:55] ***[ES] : haha... I was just playing along to see how crazy people are
[18:19:17] BOBAH: crazy about what
[18:19:32] ***[ES] : To buy game profiles
[18:19:48] ***[ES] : to actually give out money for something like that
[18:20:18] BOBAH: cause i can earn more with 1 more accaunts
[18:20:23] BOBAH: its just business
[18:20:43] ***[ES] : And how much do you earn monthly by doing it?
[18:21:10] BOBAH: just 200$ i think at the moment sometimes more
[18:21:19] BOBAH: more accaunts more money
[18:21:25] ***[ES] : CooL
[18:21:32] ***[ES] : haha gaming for money
[18:21:35] BOBAH: its not that much but its better than nothing
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