Man nemaz nebija vēlmes rakstīt vēl vienu ierakstu blogā ,jo pagājis pārāk mazs laiks kopš iepriekšējā un nekas joprojām nav noticis, bet es te nedaudz paklejoju pa globāltīmeklīša plašumiņiem un atradu jauku lapu latviešu valodā, kur rakstīts par H1N1 vīrusu jebšucūku gripu. "Pārsvarā ar A gripu H1N1 inficējas cilvēki, kas ir tiešā saskarsmē ar cūkām – cūku deguna vai mutes sekrētam nonākot cilvēka organismā."
Tā nu man tagad nāksies domāt stāstus par to kā tas ir iespējams.
Piemēram gadījums Aļaskā, te jau jābūt stulbam, lai domātu, kas notika - viss ir skaidrs: "A middle-aged woman has been confirmed to be the first patient having A/H1N1 flu in Alaska, health officials in the U.S. state announced on Thursday. The woman, from the state's Fairbanks area, started to show flu-like symptoms about two weeks ago, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services said in a statement. State epidemiologists have contacted the patient to begin their investigation into where or how she may have contracted the virus and to learn who she may have been in contact with while she was contagious."
Secinājums - Viņa laizījās ar cūku!
"A man in his 50s from the southern Japanese prefecture of Okinawa has died from the H1N1 influenza virus, becoming the country's first fatality from the disease, the Health Ministry said on Saturday."
Nāves cēlonis - Viņš laizījās ar cūku!
"The world's first known swine flu victim was a six-month-old baby girl in northern Mexico who had no known contact with pig farms, the head of a laboratory studying the virus said on Thursday. "It's a six-month-old baby girl from San Luis Potosi who is alive" said Celia Alpuche of the Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (INDRE) in Mexico City."
Secinājums: Meitenīte palika viena mājās un pie viņas caur loga šķirbu ielavījās lidojoša cūka, kas nolaizīja viņas seju.
Patiesībā viss sākās ar šo nevainigo biznesu. Atved cūku uz ballīti un visi viņu bučo un tad visiem ir cūku gripa!

Vai arī tomēr tas ir jauns cilvēku radīts vīruss ar nodomu izplatīts starp cilvēkiem? Un cūkas ir nevainīgas! Es sliecos pie domas ka cūkas nav vainīgas!

Es domāju, ka varētu iemest vēl šo: "In March 1918, in the last months of World War I, an unusually virulent and deadly flu virus was identified in a US military camp in Kansas. Just 6 months later, the flu had become a worldwide pandemic in all continents.
When the Spanish Flu pandemic was over, about 1 billion people or half the world's population had contracted it. It is perhaps the most lethal pandemic in the history of humankind: between 20 and 100 million people were killed, more the number killed in the war itself (Source)
The Spanish Flu actually didn't originate in Spain - it got its name because at the time, Spain wasn't involved in the war and had not imposed wartime censorship, thus it received great press attention there.
Recently, scientists were able to "resurrect" the virus from a well-preserved corpse buried in the permafrost of Alaska."
Gribētu uzsvērt: "Recently, scientists were able to "resurrect" the virus!!!"
Un tā kā "Spāņu gripai" ir tās pašas pazīmes, kas ir tagad tā saucamajai "Cūku gripai" es domāju, ka nevajag būt ģēnijam, lai saprastu, ka Spāņi=Cūkas. hahahahaha! Jūs uztvērāt domu... cerams.
Mīliet cūkas, bučojiet cūkas un attā!
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